I was reading postsecret this morning and one of the secrets reminded me of something unusually hilarious that happened this fall.
I was deep in the throws of "account management" during the months of August and September this year. We had just moved and it seemed like all I did was try to remember all our important accounts - bank, insurance, magazines, ect. - and spend hours calling them up so they'd have our new contact info.
But when I tried to login to our new dental insurance plan, I couldn't remember what our login name was. I tried all the old standards, our email addresses, everything. But nothing was correct. So finally, I called their tech support line.
"Can you give me a clue?" I asked the lady on the other end. "Like a category or something?"
"Ummmm..." She said hesitantly. "Well, do you have a pet?"
"Yes!" I gave her our cat's name. "Is that it?"
"No..." She said. Then after a long pause, "It's ok. I'll spell it for you. A-S-S-M-O-N-K-E-Y."
"Oh. Um. Thanks." I said horrified. "Um, I'm sorry. When my husband gets frustrated he tends to swear at the computer. Let's change that to something else, ok?"
i just thought i'd tell you i found your blog and was reading it. it always makes me feel good when i know some random person is reading something i've written so ummmm....yeah...hi.
Thank you for the laugh...I needed it. Oh, this is my first time here and your blog is interesting...but the laugh, I needed.
I've been reading your blog for a while now and started one of my own. How do I link other blogs to my site?
Hope you are well (: Venus
I'm in the process of reading your book because I have finally been given the diagnosis of BPD versus a ton of disorders NOS. I'm really scared and you've made me hopeful. A lot of people told me I was a hopeless case. "You've been inpatient 7 times already. If we didn't help you the first 7 we're not going to be able to help you this 8th time." Anyway, Pretty sure you're amazing.
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