I don't know if making this list has increased or decreased my anxiety... oh who am I kidding. Of course it increased it. Right now I’m vacillating between feeling so anxious I want to cry and avoiding my thoughts with as much TV as humanly possible. Oh, and lots of trigonometry. All my kids seem to be doing trig right now. Which is good, since I love trig and anything (except worrying) seems like a giant hassle right now.
So here's my plan which will very quickly become completely fictitious, I'm sure:
Week of May 28 (next week) – Still working
- Friend is visiting from out of town.
- Fly to east coast to look at last job offer.
- Last few hours of work.
- Get complimentary 5,000 mile tune up on new car. (yes, I've driven 5,000 miles since March 1st. Feel free to blame all the hurricanes this on me this fall.)
- Interview & hire whatever moving company isn't completely booked.
- Celebrate 6th wedding anniversary (use gift certificate to Chez Panisse)
- Get husband’s car cleaned, repaired & tuned up.
- Plan upcoming vacation & buy tickets.
- Sell husband’s car. (Anyone want a '99 Corolla with a couple dents?)
- Look for new apartment online. Call and make appointments for next week.
- Shop for husband's birthday gifts.
- Find an apartment with 6 month lease.
- Bake cake & celebrate husband’s birthday.
- Sell furniture we’re not taking with us.
- Get boxes from moving company.
- Give notice on current apartment. (good-bye crap shack!)
- have fun & relax. (ha!)
- Throw (and maybe attend) going away party.
- Donate and throw away as much as possible.
- Change utilities, addresses, subscriptions, & insurance policies.
- Clean out apartment. Get security deposit back.
- Stop at parents’ and friends’ houses on the way. (Spend entirety of signing bonus on $4/gallon gas)
- Find part-time job, therapists, fitness center, doctors, some friends, a baby and a house.
- Live happily ever after.