Monday, February 12, 2007

tap-a, tap-a, tap-a...

So last night, my husband and I were sitting on the couch, chatting. I was tapping my fingers.

As usual.

I've always compulsively tapped my fingers, usually in time to some repetitive jingle or rhythm that gets caught in my head. It's like I'm working out fingering on the piano (I'm a musician). Sometimes, it's been a problem. When I've performed on stage with various music ensembles, I've had to hide my hands or force myself to just stop tapping. I didn't realize this until kids in middle school used to tease me about it.

Last night, I didn't even notice that I was tapping.

"Why are you tapping your fingers?" My husband asked.

"I dunno... " I said. "I'm just tapping."

"I don't buy it." He said. "When you tap your fingers, it means you're thinking about something. It's like when the cat twitches her tail... it's hardwired to her brain. When you tap your fingers, it's a little warning sign. And when you think too much, your thoughts build up until your head explodes and every thing's covered with the bits."

If the man didn't already have a phd, that comment alone would qualify him for an honorary doctorate in psychology.

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