Tuesday, March 13, 2007

You win some, you lose some

Update number one:
I talked to my boss about The tutor I wrote about last time and we decided that she might be able to help us at the after school drop-in center we run. We've been looking for extra help there anyway and, at the center, she'd have other tutors around if she needed support. AND she wouldn't have to deal with parents.

But first, just to be sure, I asked my colleague who runs the center to interview her too. I didn't tell her anything about the tutor's history or disability - I just said that she was a friend of a friend and I didn't feel that I could be completely objective. Yesterday, my colleague called after their meeting and said that she thought we should hire her!

"Her math seems a bit rusty, but I think she'll be ok." She said. "I have to ask you though... she seemed SO nervous when I met with her! When she first sat down, she was trembling. We talked for almost an hour so by the time we were done... it seemed like she'd relaxed, but I was just a little worried about how nervous she seemed."

"Yeah..." I said.

So I filled her in a bit more. My colleague was really understanding about the tutor's disability and my desire to advocate for her. (I'm very up front and matter of fact with my colleagues about the fact that I have a mental health disability.)

Now it's all up to the tutor. I hope she turns out to be good. I really want this to work for her.

Update number two:
The kid I blogged about a month ago? Doesn't want to work with me anymore. I guess he originally wanted to work with my boss but he wasn't available so he said he'd try me. Now he's insisting on working with my boss. His only complaint about me? There was ONE math problems on the SAT I couldn't remember how to do. ONE stinkin' problem.

DBT's great and all, but there's something to be said for relying on your instincts. One of the fringe benefits of having Borderline is my heightened sensitivity to the emotions of the people around me. I'm pretty good at detecting if people are uncomfortable/annoyed/upset around me. I don't always know why, but I know something's up. Still. I KNEW the kid didn't like me. Twerp.

1 comment:

girl MD said...

I think your solution is inspired. It sounds like she'll be a wonderful addition to your company and can really help some struggling kids in a unique way.
Here's to a far more understanding world.