Friday, October 06, 2006

Mental Illness Awareness Week

I almost forgot! This is (was) Mental Illness Awareness Week! Brony has a wonderful post on her site, Parenting With a Mental Illness. Like me, she has been diagnosed with depression and borderline personality disorder. (unlike me, she already has two kids.)

Anyway, on her blog, she's tries to spread the word and dymystify mental illness. As she says:

"I started my blog in part to create awareness of what it is like to have a mental illness. Also to show others that they are not alone and reduce the stigma. It also offers insight into the world of parenting in general."

In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, she has an excellent list of common myths about mental illness. Here's two to add to the list:

- People with mental illnesses should feel ashamed.
- It's embarassing (or impolite) to talk about your mental illness.

1 comment:

BlondeBrony said...

Thanks so much for the link. I think it's great that you are writing a book. Let me know if you need some eyes to help review it.

Together we can reduce the stigma.