Friday, November 03, 2006

Anything but nutmegs.

Talked to my husband last night. He's in the middle of applying for academic jobs. Here's the current list of places we might be living next year (although, we could move as soon as June!)

1. Seattle, WA (pros: close to skiing, we have some friends there. cons: lack of sunlight)

2. Bay Area, CA (pros: we already live here and lots of friends and connections. cons: very expensive)

3. San Diego, CA (pros: beautiful place. cons: frequently hot)

4. Los Angeles Area (pros: I can learn to surf! cons: lack of fresh air)

5. Boulder, CO (pros: close to great skiing! cons: we don't know a single person there.)

6. Salt Lake City, Utah (same as CO)

7. Austin, TX (pros: closer to NM where my parents live - they can be grandparents and not be down the street. cons: kids can get electrocuted for jaywalking. Right? Isn't that how TX works?)

8. Baltimore, MD (pros: cheaper part of the country. cons: crazy relatives live there.)

9. Raleigh, NC (pros: we have a good friend nearby and very pretty country. cons: it's the south and we're native New Yorkers - would that work?)

10. Ann Arbor, MI (pros: very liberal. cons: very cold.)

11. Pittsburgh, PA (pros: supposed to be a cool place to live. cons: dangerously close to the midwest.)

12. Rochester, NY (pros: we could afford a mansion. cons: we used to live in upstate NY and after five years, it made us cry)

13. Cambridge, MA (pros: we know people there and close to skiing and Nantucket! cons: lived in Connecticut for 17 years and I'm SO over New England.)

14. New York, NY (pros: our hometown chock full of friends and relatives. cons: not so close to outdoors activities.)

15. New Haven, CT (pros: ummmm, I'm sure they must exist... cons: New. Haven. Connecticut.)

16. Philadelphia, PA (pros: close to NYC. cons: close to crazy relatives in MD.)


Just in case my husband is reading, I want to make it know that I am actually LOOKING FORWARD to this upcoming adventure. And (despite the crack I made last night about Texas) I am finding good and bad things about each and every place we could live.

Well, except for New Haven. I don't know about that.

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