Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blame the graveyard shift

Soooo… did you all have a good week? Yes? Good. Glad to hear it.

Oh me? Uh… yeah, I had an ok week.

What did I do all week? Uh…

Nothing. No seriously, nothing.

Hence the lack of blogging. Early Wednesday morning, my husband left town for his first job interview. He got back yesterday afternoon. So, in celebration of my three days as a single woman I became…

a zombie.

Don’t get me wrong; I did manage to leave the house occasionally. I had one client each afternoon and group therapy on Wednesday and Friday. But other than those commitments, I did as little as possible. Lots of TV, hours of sleep, and some quality time with my couch. Sometimes this happens when my husband’s away. It’s like my brain tells the day shift to go home and lets the graveyard shift take over just the necessary operations.

I wasn’t exactly PROUD of this. I avoided a lot of things that shouldn’t have been avoided. Work, friends, exercise, housework… Most of the week I was pretty hard on myself about it, worrying I had become a permanently lazy slug. It’s hard to know what comes first with depression… being depressed or being depressed about being depressed.

But, let’s face it, after last week’s trip to New Jersey, I needed the rest. When I got back I felt discombobulated and rattled. I was exhausted from the journey itself, the jet lag and my busy schedule. But I was more emotionally exhausted. Spending time with my parents always wears me out, especially when the visit is intense, like this one was.

I’ll write more about that later.

Finally, on Friday morning, I woke up feeling more like myself… like I had a vague interest in doing something that might not include my couch. Yesterday I made it to the gym and today we actually started the onerous task of car shopping.

My husband leaves for another interview trip first thing tomorrow morning. He now has eight interviews! Eight! And an invitation to a conference in Madrid! It’s going to be a busy couple of months… Hopefully I won’t resort to being such a hermit, stuck in my own head. It’s a lot nicer to be out in the REAL world with the day shift.

1 comment:

betty said...

oooh! car shopping finally! how did that go?

i was a zombie this week too. on average i got to work 1.5 hours later than i normally do. one. point. five. i am going to be better this week, i really am.

though staying up until 11PM tonight isn't a good start since my 'normal' work arrival time is v. early. also tomorrow i have planned a big lunch with an old friend i haven't seen in years. so maybe monday isn't going to be exactly a banner day for productivity and schedule. maybe tuesday....